
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Painkiller Already #462
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week's show we got hilarious YouTuber, Danny Mullen, joining the fellas about 90 minutes into the show. Where they talk about the kind of content Danny's been producing over the years and various pranks. Before he joins the 3 lads finally have a fully fleshed out spoiler-filled discussion about The Joker now that all of them have seen the movie and Taylor shares a funny story about a haircut... because it's PKA and that's what we do here, a grabbag of comedy.

Thursday Oct 31, 2019

Friday Oct 25, 2019
Painkiller Already #461
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week's show... we got another 5 man powerhouse, Ed of VINwiki has returned, always great and he's joined with Rob "Rabbit" Pitts, to share funny and great car-related stories from their lives over the years and Kyle goes into detail about his dyslexic case manager screwing things up.

Friday Oct 25, 2019

Friday Oct 18, 2019
Painkiller Already #460
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week's show... we have an epic powerhouse of Bruce Greene, formerly of Funhaus, joining us for the first time with regular, always awesome, our pal Tucker... the guys go over more of Kyle's prison stories, review Tucker's hilarious scooter injury and his viral sponsorship mistake.

Friday Oct 18, 2019

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Painkiller Already #459
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week's show... KYLE HAS RETURNED HARDENED FROM THE PRISON LIFE! He's back and he tells us all about his routine while on the inside for the last 2 months, how his Mexican buddy Snow kept his booty hole safe from being "Gotten with", tons of prison stories are covered this week so you're not going to want to miss it. Also lots of book recommendations coming from Kyle since he became a well-read... 15 year old on the inside, reading tons of fiction from Harry Potter to Stephen King.

Friday Oct 11, 2019

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Painkiller Already #458
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week's show we've brought together the dynamic duo... from opposing corners of the internet, in the left corner... Destiny! And in the right corner... Dick Masterson! They talk about the impeachment proceedings with Trump, share a bunch of stories from their upbringings, Dick goes on some intense rants then tells us about injecting saline into his junk and Destiny explains how people should not print out pornographic images on the family computer, through personal experience.

Thursday Oct 03, 2019

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Painkiller Already #457
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week's show our good friend and vodka water addict himself, Tucker aka JERICHO, is back. To discuss Taylor's new TWO DOG situation with the fellas, talk about some fast cars and rank all the best candies from top to bottom. Because this is PKA, and it doesn't take itself all that seriously... which is a positive!

Friday Sep 27, 2019

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Painkiller Already #456
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week we've got testicular cancer survivor & muscle brah who eats more than anyone else, Furious Pete on the show & Harley from Epic Meal Time also returns, for that dynamic duo for the first half of the show. Then our friend Paintball Kitty jumps in halfway through the show and the guys talk about Trump trying to make flavored vaping illegal in the state, Harley shares some stories about his time at Top Gear and Pete discusses his life post-testicles.

Friday Sep 20, 2019

Friday Sep 13, 2019
Painkiller Already #455
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
In this week's PKA, this week we've got everyone's favorite piece of Dick back to hang with Woody & Taylor, they talk about his trip to Burning Man, how Woody and Taylor are both looking into and recently started up streaming on Twitch.tv, of course there's a Balloon Caper and then Taylor stumbles upon a community of people who believe they truly have telekinesis and can move things with their minds... because it's the internet.

Friday Sep 13, 2019

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Painkiller Already #454
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
In this week's PKA, we're joined by the always entertaining and great Canadian bear himself... Harley Morenstein of Epic Meal Time, as well as our good pal Filthy Robot and the guys, discuss books, Epic Meal Time coming to an end, what Marvel is gonna do next and of course the latest controversy with Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special. So tune in and start screaming.

Friday Sep 06, 2019

Friday Aug 30, 2019
Painkiller Already #453
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
On this week's PKA, we've got out good buddy and pal, Mr. OG himself, BlameTruth back to help fill the film consumption energy due to Kyle being MIA and also Founder of Screen Junkies and now his new channel, Popcorned Planet, Andy Signore. Who lays out the false accusation MeToo movement that led to his life being thrown in the toilet and being removed from the very company he founded and abandoned by people he thought were his friends. But then on the other end of the spectrum, everyone discusses the accusations and video footage coming out of ONLYUSEmeBLADE's camp and how bad that looks, and just a sprinkle of politics and workout talk. On this lovely episode of PKA.

Friday Aug 30, 2019